Message from the Presenting Sponsor
We are honored to serve as the Co-Chairs of the 75th Anniversary of the End of World War II commemoration committee. Alongside our Presenting Sponsor, Linda Hope who represents the Bob Hope Legacy as a part of the Bob & Dolores Hope Foundation, we encourage you to join us in commemorating this historic occasion by supporting two seminal events in 2020, marking the end of the war in Europe and the Pacific.
Our hope is that these events will preserve our nation’s memory of a time when the United States persevered with selflessness and courage in the face of tyranny. We also hope to inspire our fellow citizens and freedom-loving people around the world by celebrating the legacy and character of those who have been called America’s “Greatest Generation.”

“They have given their sons to the military services. They have stoked the furnaces and hurried the factory wheels.
They have made the planes and welded the tanks, riveted the ships and rolled the shells.”

Aircraft listed have agreed to participate, but due to factors such as weather or mechanical issues, participating aircraft are subject to change without notice.
The event organizers of the Arsenal of Democracy are General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA), National Air Traffic Controllers Association (NATC), International Council of Air Shows (ICAS) and Commemorative Air Force (CAF). Through the sponsorship of the CAF, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, all donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Please consult your tax advisor. Tax ID 74-1484491. .
P.O. Box 764769 Dallas, TX 75376 | | DONATE