Questions and additional information will be added frequently. Please check back often to see the exciting details.
Q: When will the Flyover take place?
A: Friday, May 8, 2020. Time to be determined
Q: How long will the Flyover last?
A: Approximately 40 minutes
Q: What is the route for the Flyover?
A: They will be flying the river route, similar to what the airlines do from North to South
Q: How many aircraft will participate?
A: The goal is to have 70 aircraft participate in the Flyover. This number is subject to change based on fundraising and availability.
Q: Will there be a public display of aircraft during the Flyover?
A: Check back for information on public displays. Plans are underway.
Q: Where will the aircraft be flying out of?
A: The aircraft will fly out of Culpeper Regional Airport (CJR) 12517 Beverly Ford Road, Brandy Station, VA 22714 and Manassas Regional Airport (MNZ) 10600 Harry J Parrish Boulevard, Manassas, VA 20110.
Q: Where is the best place to watch the Flyover?
A: Anywhere along the mall from the Lincoln Memorial to the Washington monument.
Q: Will there be a narration of the event?
A: Yes, there will be at the WW II memorial and selected areas along the mall.
Q: Is there a rain date?
A: To be determined
Q: Will people be able to ride in the aircraft?
A: Not during the flyover; there will be aircraft giving rides at Manassas Regional Airport starting the Saturday before the event thru Sunday after the event.
Aircraft listed have agreed to participate, but due to factors such as weather or mechanical issues, participating aircraft are subject to change without notice.
The Event Organizers of the Arsenal of Democracy are General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA), National Air Traffic Controllers Association (NATCA), International Council of Airshows (ICAS) and Commemorative Air Force (CAF). Through the sponsorship of the CAF, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, all donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Please consult your tax advisor. Any information provided will be handled according to this privacy policy. Tax ID 74-1484491.
PO Box 764769 Dallas, TX 75376 | ww2flyover@gmail.com | DONATE